
Friday 17 November 2017

My Iphone 6 Case Design!

My Iphone 6 Case Design
Greetings and salutations and this is my iPhone 6 case that i have been designing on a website called tinkercad. Oh and we got the 3D printers back it is really exciting ! I am currently planning to print mine and I hope it works out. It is the next day and it worked! When I went home I smoothed it down with sandpaper. It was quite easy to design it from tinkercad because we could make the corners round with a simple click. If i could design another one I would make a harry potter themed one because harry potter is really entertaining and fun. The first thing I did was make a rectangle and made the corners round, then I copied and pasted it and made one a bit smaller than the other, I then put the smaller one inside the bigger one and lifted it, after that I changed the smaller one into a hole, I merged it together and put a small rectangle  on the top right to make the camera hole, I then made it hollow and merged it again and then I put the letters NZ in the camera and made it a hole and then merged it again.

Monday 18 September 2017

How To Count Up To Ten! In Maori!

Last week it was Maori language week and we had to learn how to count in Maori!
I made a board game and a slideshow on the topic and it was really exciting!
The board game asked questions in Maori and if you got it right you get a point,
The person with the most points win!

Friday 25 August 2017


So this week room seven was learning how to be cyber smart and we had to make
a slide show animation or a few other options.
We also created a saying called W.A.T.C.H it stands for Words hurt, ask permission,
confess to someone and holla to people you know

Monday 7 August 2017

3D Printing Designs!!

So this all my design I did but I only got to print one! hehe! This Slide
is about the what we did on a website called tinkercad.

Friday 28 July 2017

Plant Poem!

Here in room seven it has been really fun! and we have been learning about spiders,
plants, and nature. This poem is about, well a plant but its a plant that is dying.
This poem describes how the plant will look and its surroundings.
I hope you enjoy reading it!

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Andromeda Story

So this is a story that me and my buddy's made and a story and its about an alien
invasion in the future. It was our topic for ready and it was really fun.

Friday 9 June 2017

3 Way Conferences!!

Yesterday we did three way conferences which is basically a slide show of your
progress in work at school and we had to show it to our parents. It has my reading, writing
and maths work. It also has my highlights of this year and the key competencies.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Films Through The Decades Topic!

So for the past few weeks we have been
doing our topic and we got to choose film
through the decades. This is a camera diorama
and there is a small film set inside. We also made
a short film with some of our classmates as
characters. I hope you like it!

Tuesday 2 May 2017

So we have been learning about Anzac and my reading groups task was to make a
PowToon about the important things about the poppy. i hope you like it.

Monday 27 March 2017

So we made slide on 60's dances and it was really fun. I did it with a buddy Ishaan. We found information about it and we put it in. You should listen to the so its really catchy.

Friday 3 March 2017

How To Look After Your Chromebook

We did this in buddy's because we needed to take of our Chromebooks properly.I hope you take care of your Chromebook if you have one!

My Vision Board!